Hey, there! I’m Rowan.


A couple career canon events…


Hello! I’m Rowan and I wasn’t always a full-time copywriter.  I was stuck in retail for 9 years, ringing up customers by day and moonlighting as a marketer by night. After almost a decade and 5 layoffs, I had a clear and uncontrollable urge to finally go pro. I founded Copy House Urchin as a blog (Cannon Event 1) and created my first-ever writer’s portfolio (Canon Event 2).

The day I was notified that my retail position was being eliminated company-wide was the same day I became a staff writer (Canon Event 3)

Becoming a full-time paid writer changed everything. I now work from home building Copy House Urchin and writing for badass brands and companies. And I’m obsessed with career transitions, outsider perspectives, and the inherent innovation that comes along with them.

Through my experience working with over 325 clients, I have discovered that there are a few common obstacles standing in the way of their successful job hop:

  1. A truly honed resume, cover letter, and portfolio

  2. Not perceiving and packaging their unique non-traditional backgrounds as the X-factor they are.

Copy House Urchin provides education, resources, tools, and frameworks to help aspiring writers develop essential, in-demand copywriting skills while leveraging their backgrounds to launch their careers. In fact, I believe your superpower lies somewhere in your non-traditional background. Knowing exactly how to spin it was what helped me be a “wishlist” candidate and quickly land my dream job as a full-time agency copywriter.

It’s also a core belief that understanding your value is the key to autonomy. When you know what you bring to the table and you can communicate that value effectively through resumes, portfolios, and interviews, you can command respect, higher paychecks, and “luxury benefits” (heard that term while networking as a description for working from home and not needing to worry about office politics. It totally stuck with me because I love that). But it’s hard to interpret your own value sometimes, which is why I’ll help you discover it. Afterall, my superpower is helping you discover yours.

And in a world where the powers-that-be force employees back to the office because they don’t want to waste their leases, openly hope that their writers lose their houses so they can continue to hold onto their leverage, cut down trees on picket lines, and deny water breaks in deadly heat waves, it is more important than ever for workers to understand their influence, value, and power so you don't have to compromise your values, health, safety, and sanity for the sake of a paycheck.

We stand against power-drunk corporations that keep employees stuck and miserable. We create an environment of growth and cultivate badass professionals who have the power to live life and do work on their own terms.

Put corporate on notice. It is time to get FU$$Y. Power to the professionals.